Friday, December 19, 2014

The Secret - New Thought Authors

The Secret - New Thought Authors 
The Pioneers of The Law of Attraction

New Thought Authors
Late 1800s to Early 1900s

William Walker Atkinson -  The Law of Attraction 1901, The Secret of Success
Theron Q. Dumont (W.W. Atkinson) -  The Power of Concentration, The Master Mind 
Christian D. Larson -  The Ideal Made Real, How Great Men Succeed, Mastery of Fate
Orison Swett Marden -  The Miracle Of Right Thought 1910 (written over 40 books)
Ralph Waldo Trine -  What All The worlds a Seeking 1896 On The Open Road
Ralph Waldo Emerson -  Essays - Self Reliance, Compensation 1841
James Allen -  As A Man Thinketh, Path of Prosperity 1903, Life Triumphant
Wallace D. Wattles -  Financial Success Through Creative Thought 1910
Charles F. Haanel -  The Master Key System 1912, Mental Chemistry 1922
Henry Thomas Hamblin -  The Power Of Thought, Right Thinking, Within You is the Power
Henry Harrison Brown - How To Control Fate Through Suggestion 1901, Dollars Want Me
Robert Collier - The Book of Life or The Secret of The Ages, The Secret of Gold
Samuel Smiles - Self Help 1859, Thrift, Character, Duty, Happy Homes and The Hearts
Bruce Maclelland -  Prosperity Through Thought Force 1907
Paul Ellsworth - Health and Power Through Creation, The Psychology of Prosperity
Brown Landone -  How To Turn Your Desires and Ideals Into Reality, The Success Process
George Schubel -  How To Make Our Mental Pictures Come True
Ernest Holmes -  Creative Mind 1919, Creative Mind and Success, Science of Mind
Fenwicke L. Holmes -  Law Of Mind In Action 1919, Visualization and Concentration
Henry Drummond -  The Greatest Thing In The World 1880, Monkey That Would Not Kill 
Horatio W. Dresser -  History of The New Thought, Book of Secrets, Power of Silence
Benjamin F. Johnson -  Success Though Thought Habit, Constructive Thought
Benjamin Franklin -  The Way To Wealth
Henry Wood -  Ideal Suggestion Through Mental Photography, New Thought Simplified
Abel Allen -  The Message Of New Thought 1914
James Thompson Bixby -  The New World  and The New Thought, The Open Secret
Erastus Whitford Hopkins -  The Science Of The New Thought
Edward Beals -  The Law Of Success 1907 , Personal Power 12volumes (W.W. Atkinson)
Edward Cowles -  The Law Of Success 1905, The Science and Philosophy of Life 1903
Napoleon Hill -  The Law Of Success 1925,  Think and Grow Rich
C. H. Kent -  How To Achieve Success a manual for young people 1896
William E. Towne -  Health and Wealth From Within
Sidney Weltmer -  Self Reliance 1905, Telepathy and Thought Transference
David V. Bush -  How To Put The Sub Conscious Mind to Work 
Prentice Mulford -  Thoughts Are Things, Thought Forces 1913, The Gift of Understanding
Thomas Troward -  The Hidden Secret 1921 Creative Process in The Individual
P.T. Barnum -  How I Made Millions The Secret of Success, The Art of Money Getting
Dale Carnagey (Carnegie) -  The Art Of Public Speaking 1915
Andrew Carnegie -  Success and How To Attain it
Charles M. Schwab - Succeeding With What You Have 1916
Booker T. Washington - Character Building 1902
John Sterrett Douglas -  The Power Of Thought What It Is and What It Does
Dewitt Clint Vestal  -  Thoughts On New Thought
Maltbie Davenport Babcock  -  The Success of Defeat, Thoughts For Everyday Living
Max Freedom Long -  Self Suggestion, The Secret Science Behind Miracles
Emile Coue -  Self Mastery Though Conscious Autosuggestion  1922
C Harry Brooks -  The Practice Of Autosuggestion by Emile Coue 1922
Herbert A. Parkyn M.D.-  Autosuggestion What It Is and What It Does 1905
Charles Baudouin - Suggestion and Autosuggestion 1923
Dr. Charles F Winbigler -  Self Healing Through Auto Suggestion 1923
Frank Channing Haddock - Power Of Will, Power for Success, The Personal Atmosphere
Charles Godfrey Lelland - Have You A Strong Will 1899, Will Power or Your Mystic Will
Sydney B. Flower  - Will Power Personal Magnetism Memory Training, and Success 1921
Aaron Martin  Crane -  Right and Wrong Thinking and Their Results
Jonathan Wingate Winkley -  First Lessons In The New Thought
May E Stevenson -  Thought Communication by Magnetism
James George Wharton - Quit Your Worrying, How I Eliminated Fear
Floyd Baker Wilson -  Paths To Power 1901, Man Limitless
John Herman Randall -  A New Philosophy of Life 1909 The Culture of Personality
Russell Conwell -  Acres of Diamonds 1915, Unused Powers, What Your Will Power Can Do
Frederick Van Rensselaer Dey - The Magic Story 1900 1908
Major A. R. Calhoun -  How To Get On In The World or A Ladder To Practical Success 1895
Harry Gaze -  Life Youth and Success, How To Live Forever
Charles Brodie Patterson -  New Thought Essays  1898
F. W. Sears -  How To Attract Success 1914, Concentration by Franklin Warren Sears
Julia Seton Sears -  Concentration The Secret Of Success
Elizabeth Towne -  Just How To Concentrate, Practical Methods For Self Development
Ella Wheeler Wilcox -  New Thought Common Sense, The Heart Of New Thought
Genevieve Behrend -  Your Invisible Power 1927, Attaining Your Desires
Clare Tree Major -  How To Develop Your Personality, Your Will Power
Kate Atkinson Boehme -  New Thought Healing Made Plain, Realization 1902
Elinor S. Moody -  How To Obtain Your Desires 1918, All Power is Given Unto You 1921
Annie Rix Militz - All Things Are Possible To Them That Believe 1905, Prosperity
Margaret Sangster - The Art Of Being Agreeable 1896, Good Manners for All Occasions
Frances Partlow - Training of Children In The New Thought
Frances W. Foulks -  The Secret Of Demonstration (action for whats desired)
Florence Scovel Shinn - Your Word is Your Wand 1928, Power of The Spoken Word
Elsie Lincoln Benedict - How To Unlock Your Subconscious Mind 
Annie Besant - Thought Power 1901, Thought Forces, Ancient Wisdom 1897, Superhumans
Anna Robertson Brown -  What is Worth While 1893, What Good Does Wishing Do
Dorothy Quigley - Success is For You 1897
Ursula N. Gestefeld - How We Master Our Fate, How To Control Circumstances 1901
Dorothy Grenside -  Little Builders New Thought Talks With Children
Louise Grey -  Stepping Stones Or Helps Along the By-ways of New Thought 1915   
Laura M. Westall -  A Common-Sense View of the Mind Cure 1908  

A. Victor Segno - The Secret Of Memory, The Law of Mentalism 1902
Joseph John Gurney - Thoughts On Habit and Discipline
Charles Wesley Kyle - Concentration : The Key To Constructive Thought
Charles Filmore - Prosperity, Atom Smashing Power of Mind, Giving and Receiving
Joseph Murphy - The Power Of Your Subconscious Mind
Emmet Fox -  Find and Use Your Inner Power, Power Through Constructive Thinking

Philippe Pinel - A Treatise on Insanity 1806 ( love and kindness to treat mental illness)

Theosophy and New Thought  By Henry Clay Sheldon (the two titles not mean the same)  

Famous New Thought Authors 1950s 1960s
Norman Vincent Peale - The Power of Positive Thinking 1952
Neville Goddard -  Feeling Is The Secret, The Power of Awareness 
author of 9 books

Raymond Holliwell - Working With The Law 1964 
(10 other Laws that help make Attraction work)

The 10 Laws of Attraction. ( Working With The Law by Raymond Holliwell ) Summary
LAW OF ATTRACTION - You attract what you - think, and speak of , into your life.
LAW OF THINKING - Think right, positive. You thought about it before you did it or said it. Are we controlled by our emotions? -or are we controlling our emotions. Work on your positive emotions. good feelings to put you on the right track. It starts with thinking.
LAW OF SUPPLY - supply is unlimited. No competition, there is plenty for everyone.
LAW OF RECEIVING - you must give before you receive, is a cycle. give without thinking of what you will get.
LAW OF INCREASE - is praise every one every thing all places circumstances. you will praise your way to success.
LAW OF COMPENSATION - You will get paid on degree of your performance, and ability to help others in teamwork. If there is a need for what you do, and your good at it, you will be hard to replace.
LAW OF NON- RESISTANCE - Dont resist - the resistance, don't fight back, let it go by, go around, agree and win, resistance from others means your advancing.
LAW OF FORGIVENESS - forgive yourself first, let go of guilt. As you forgive you will be also forgiven,(it does NOT-mean-always give another chance.
LAW OF SACRIFICE - discipline yourself, train yourself to be the best at what you do, a better you, your goal. (sacrifice a bad habit for a good habit, something is always sacrificed for something else)
LAW OF OBEDIENCE - Be obedient to the laws, or suffer from not following the laws. As you are obedient to a Law, the Law will in turn serve you.
LAW OF SUCCESS - success is already yours, do what must be done and take action to get it by demonstration. (walk it, talk it, as if what you want is already yours, and you are, who you want to be)

The Movie called - The Secret
Re-introduced the teachings of Positive Thinking, Law of Attraction to the main public, through television interviews, video sales, and also its book The Secret. In my opinion also the main reason for the book and movie success of The Secret, is the genius clever chosen title - The Secret.
There are a few books that start with the words The Secret. But this book only says the two words and stirs curious in the mind what is it? I must know, i must buy it, is it something bad, or something great? A popular TV show with millions of viewers nation wide recommended the book. This book and movie called The Secret, is now associated with learning about The Law of Attraction and positive Thinking. It also brings the attention the popularity of Motivational Speakers.

The movie - The Secret, speaks of how the authors life was having problems, and someone gave a book called - Financial Success Through Creative Thought - The Science of Getting Rich, and it gives a new perspective how to better your life. This book was a New Thought book from the early 1900s. It was after reading this book and applying it that inspired to make the movie and to research who in the past and present, has known this knowledge, and write their own book on the subject of Attraction the power of Positive New Thought.

I also like to find the source of things, like a great popular motivational speaker. I want to research who was the mentor of that speaker, and who the mentor looked up to. Ive heard it said; people become great because they stand on the shoulders of giants before them. 
Body Builder Arnold Shwarzenegger looked up to Reg Park, Body Builder of the 1950s.
Motivational speaker Tony Robbins worked for Jim Rohn, and Earl Shoaff was Jim's mentor. Earl Shoaff learned from J.B. Jones

Thats why I personally read the older New Thought books from the old authors first. I own all these New Thought books, and is available in PDF free online because before 1923 it is public domain. Its a facsimile of the original book on PDF file. Read PDF files with Adobe reader program. Its nice to read on computer or tablet. Thats the main importance to be able to read the knowledge. But I also have found the original books and know now theres nothing like having the physical book of wisdom, of over 100 years ago in your hand. Some even held by the author with signature inside. 
Always buy the book, and dont lend it out. It will never come back. Thats just how it is. They have to buy their own, and most people will read something if they paid good money for it.
There are many great quotes from the original New Thought authors that it just couldnt have been said better. If the authors of today were saying them, they should give credit to quote the author, and the book its from. The original New Thought authors are not all saying the same thing in the same way. They say the most wonderful positive things that you right away can apply to your everyday situations. They say all the things that make the law of Attraction work, and thats what New Thought is all about. The books go back to late 1800s to the 1920s. Even a couple of authors from that time got inspiration from an author from the mid 1800s.

Example: New Thought author Orison Swett Marden in the 1890s read a book from 1859 called Self Help by Samuel Smiles from Europe. After reading, Orison wanted to be the Samuel Smiles of America. (from O.S. Marden - Public Speaking) Orison wrote books in his 50s from 1894 till his death in 1923. Many people also got this knowledge and inspiration from Ralph waldo Emerson with his book Essays - Self Reliance, and Compensation 1841. The original New Thought author books are the inspiration for New Thought authors today,

The knowledge of  New Thought is known to those in power. They know to use leverage and make money by having many people work with them. The misconception that the rich are evil or did bad things to get ahead, is just not true for most. They have their own personal library of The New Thought knowledge books. A library not of fictional novels, but of knowledge metaphysics Positive Thinking and New Thought.

The New Thought knowledge is about Personal Development, Success, Prosperity, Positive Constructive Thinking and Speaking, Optimism, Positive emotions, Harmony with others, Pleasing Personality, Ideals, Praise, Faith, Desire, Forgiveness, Receiving, Healing, Concentration, Compensation, Magnetism, Attraction, The Power of Thought, Will Power, Habits, Auto-suggestion through Repetition. 
Many quotes by many New Thought Authors that are men and woman are told in a beautiful way, and have changed to better many lives, enhancing people in their work, relationships, friendships with Wisdom, Self Reliance, and Financial Success. What I like most of these older 100 year old books are that some are less than 100 pages and some just over 100 pages. Short to the point, not long and dragging to fill hundreds of pages. Lets face it most people dont have it in them to read 600 pages. So these easy to the point 100 page books make it practical, make it able to finish reading shortly, and you retain the information.

New Thought is the over 100 year old version of The Law of Attraction, with everything thats used to make the Law Of Attraction work.  Has similar principles taught in religions, without a religious view, so everyone can benefit no matter (those non religious or religious) New Thought can be taught and applied to all people. There are some New Thought Authors that wrote books in subject of Divine Science. Its up to the reader to choose with their own beliefs how it works for them. The Universe, the Ether, a Deity (God), or the source of their own vibrations they give out to the universe that will go around the world and attract or manifest their desire and what they want. New Thought can be taught and applied to all people.

New Thought Healing - Your thoughts and emotions affect your heath. If you talk and think about illness disease or cancer, your body will respond and bring you what your asking for. Replace the unhealthy thoughts with healthy thoughts. Talk about being healthy. Your emotions give your body chemical reactions. Body pH Alkaline or Acidic chemical reactions in your body caused by your emotions. Positive emotions make your body to be Alkaline bringing health, and negative emotions make your body to be Acidic and bring sickness to your body, and your life to go the wrong way. So think joy happy funny loving feelings, will bring health to your body and your life and world a better place.

The Law of Attraction introduced in the movie - The Secret, based on - what you think and speak of, you attract into your life. And it doesnt matter if its good things or bad things, it only responds to what you think say and feel. Your feelings and emotions show which direction your attracting, good outcomes or bad, good things or bad things, good happy encouraging people around you, or bad angry discouraging people around you. That if your feeling good emotions your on track, and if your feeling bad emotions, your off track and attract the things people, circumstances, and place your in. 
That we must know now, that a quick shift of your emotion and thinking will change how everything happens. You Can snap out of it. immediately put it out your mind if its a bad thought or temptation. Perish the Thought. Replace a bad thought with a good thought. Replace a unhealthy thought with a healthy thought, Replace a bad habit with a good habit. You are who you think you are. You become what you think. Thoughts become things. We must realize that - The Thought Comes Before The Action. You thought about it before you did it, Think twice before you speak because you thought about it before you said it.  Notice if you think of someone, talk of someone, Somehow they appear, a phone call, contact on the internet. If your attracting something great, my personal key is - when it happens take the opportunity. Dont let it pass you by. Your thoughts actually travel around the world and attract or manifest whatever you are thinking.

People mostly think about what they dont want, instead of what they want. That they think they have no control of whats happening around them,  the life they live, and the people in their lives, just by the way they are thinking and feeling. When they really are the cause of what happens, how they live, and the people they attracted around them. Just like the good things in your life you made happen, the bad things that happened somehow you made that happen too. Some blame everything else and everyone else but themselves. (The Fault Lies Not In Our Stars But In Ourselves). Its when we finally admit that what went wrong is somehow our fault, that we will start to make things right fix it and make our world a better place. We must also realize that all of us are expendable. We can experience loss, accidents and bad experiences, but also not right away blame others or ourselves and express sad or angry emotions. To be calm, rational and understand that -
Its Not What Happens But how You Deal With It, And What You Do About It.

The saying - speak no evil see no evil hear no evil, that is true. But the saying of Murphys Law that what ever can go wrong will, this is a wrong and negative saying. What it really is that- What ever you think and speak of going wrong, can happen, because you put it out there. The saying of - taken with a grain of salt - is a negative saying. We need to listen and respect the views of others. You cant change peoples minds but show them another view without being confrontational.  We do what we do knowingly but sometimes not realizing, its what we do and how we do it that brings the outcomes in our lives. 

We need to train what we say. To say only the good outcome. Say only what you want, with desire and faith. Make new habits that change and better our lives. We need to have a good attitude about everything, be optimistic and praise everyone and everything. And if someone gets in our way, go around, avoid argument and be agreeable, with a pleasant personality. Its finally when we make ourselves aware, that we do the right things and make changes when needed, and also make those around us aware how we want them to be, that things go our way. To not be confrontational, but to relate to and be agreeable in confrontations in a calm manor, will bring the right outcomes in our lives.

If you want things to change around you, then you have to change within you to be better, and then everything around you will change for the better. If you have negative people around you, then you may have to avoid dealing with them and still befriend and show how kindness is done. If its negative friends, you can keep them still as friends, and make new friends that are positive optimistic and encouraging. The change with everything starts with you. Everything starts with you. 
Joey Pagan

Links to read the Late 1800s to early 1900s  New Thought Books
The Movie The Secret

Zig Ziglar - Attitude Makes All The Difference 

Tony Robbins Change Your World View

Jim Rohn - The Day That Turns Your Life Around